Boost Engagement with Live Word Clouds

Transform your AI-powered presentations with live word clouds to maximize engagement.

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Word cloud

What is a Word Cloud?

A word cloud is a dynamic visual that highlights audience input, where frequently mentioned words appear larger. Elevate your AI presentation with live word clouds, transforming audience input into powerful visuals. Experience unmatched engagement with:

  • Tickbox

    Seamless access from any internet-enabled device.

  • Tickbox

    Full compatibility with smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

What is it made for?

Word clouds, along with interactive tools like live Q&A and quizzes, help presenters engage their audiences in real time.

They allow you to easily gather and visualize audience input, making them perfect for brainstorming sessions, group reflections, and icebreakers.


Creating Word Clouds with Sendsteps

  1. Just ask a question using Sendsteps and let participants send in words or emoji’s via their smartphones.

  2. The answers will appear live on screen in a Word Cloud.

  3. The more times a word is used, the larger it gets.

Get inspired

Discover our pre-made templates to get inspiration for your next presentation.

Ice Breakers


Live Q&A for Classrooms


Team Building Questions


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Start using Sendsteps now for free!

Sendsteps is a tool with multiple interactive features that makes your next presentation engaging and fun. You can think about Q&A, Quizzes, Multiple choice questions, and more.

Word Clouds give a visual representation of the most popular opinions of the audience. They share their input through their smartphones. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears on the screen. Their input forms a word cloud that is updated in real-time. Creating a live word cloud with a word cloud builder like Sendsteps is an excellent way to engage your audience and make your presentation interactive!

There are multiple benefits of using a word cloud:

  • Visualize data
  • Whether you’re meeting online or offline, word clouds make data visually appealing.
  • Engage your audience
  • Get them involved in your presentation or event.
  • Give your audience a voice
  • See what the most popular opinions of your audience are.
  • Receive instant feedback
  • This makes you understand how your audience feels in real-time.
  • Stimulate audience collaboration
  • It’s an effective way to brainstorm for new creative ideas.

A word cloud tool gives presenters the opportunity to easily gather data from the crowd in an interactive way and present it to their audience. It can be used on many occasions. They are perfect for brainstorming sessions, team reflections and as icebreakers. Online word clouds can be used in any number of industries including marketing, education, business etc. It's useful to get feedback from your audience. This way you show that you value their input, and they feel involved in the decision-making process. Word clouds provide people with an easy and fun way to contribute ideas to a project or generate discussion around important topics.

Let your audience contribute in real-time and boost interaction with Sendsteps. Sendsteps allows you to create a live word cloud within a few clicks.

In order to create your own live word cloud follow these steps:

  1. Create your Sendsteps presentation and add a word cloud slide
  2. Invite your audience to join by scanning the QR code
  3. Collect input from your audience
  4. Their answers will appear live on screen
  5. The more times a word is used, the larger it gets